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Preparing the ark!!!

Rain started falling around 4 PM yesterday, and continued heavily for about two hours. Overnight, the Thunderbirds woke us up, and again the rain poured down. This morning there is a good 3 inches in the gauge, an ankle deep puddle in front of the solar panels, and it is very squishy, rubber boot walking, elsewhere along some trails. It has been less than a week since the last deluge of 1 ½ inches. The bird chorus is in full swing this morning, and the sun is striking sparkling prisms off of all the raindrops that are still on leaves. There are mud splatters on all the garden plants that are not mulched.

I did a meander down along a trail that is the home of the biggest thimble berries (blackberries), and they are progressing nicely. We are in hopes that there will be a blueberry crop this year as well.

This summer, we are having a Lymantria dispar moth caterpillar invasion in eastern Ontario. (Previously called Gypsy Moths) They are just becoming noticeable this year in our area, although other more southerly regions are much more affected. The worms have been munching on some of our trees, oaks, poplars, and the old gnarly apple tree by the propane tank was stripped bare. It doesn't have too many branches, as we'd pruned all the dead stuff out a few years ago, but, the old tree is re-leafing out! We thought this might be the end of it, as branches keep dying off. Its fruit is not great, but I love the gnarly shape of the old tree. I was over squishing the moth cocoons on the tree, and look what I found!

This monarch worm had to travel at least 31.5 feet from the nearest milkweed plant, across mown grass, and then climbed 4.5 feet up the tree! I'll be watching to see the Monarch emerge.

The rain last night was so intense, it pushed some of the climbing beans off of their fence. My herb bed is filling in,

and this morning, the first gloriously coloured Calendulas are opening up

and my Shasta daisy clump is starting to bloom.


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