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Fever Pitch

You give me fever
When you kiss me
Fever when you hold me tight
Fever! in the morning
Fever all through the night

This is the song I've been humming to myself all morning as I've worked feverishly to finish the quilting on Psycatdelic. I am happy to say it is all done!

All that is left is to repair a few of the embellishments and to sew on the binding. And since I started this quilt on October 27, 2012, you can imagine correctly that I'm feeling pretty darned good about it.

As I was working along, I noticed a few little embellishments had come loose or were missing, while others were stuck fast. It's a good reason for adding them at the beginning when they won't interfere with the quilting. That way I know which ones are at risk of getting lost in the shuffle and which ones are stuck for life.

I need to go to the grocery store today, and then I'm going to come back and put the finishing touches on it. Our family weekend get together is coming up this weekend, and I'd like to take it with me and work on the hand-stitching there. That should be no problem unless something drastic happens that would prevent me from finishing it. I won't make any suggestions about what that might be since I don't want to jinx myself.

Since I've done practically nothing for the past ten days other than work on this quilt, I don't have much more to tell you. With that in mind, I'll give you a little Block Album show so that you can see all the sashings and cornerstones, and all of the blocks with their associated elements. 

I'm going to replace the hot fix nailhead eyes on this one. They are stuck fast, but they got scratched somehow, which is perplexing. None of the other ones show scratches, so I'm not sure what happened to these.

I think of all the blocks, this next one is my favorite. It puts out such joyful energy. I need to fix the top whisker on the right side. One of the threads broke, and so I'll need to fix it with some hand embroidery. Also, I'm going to give the bird an eye. There might have been an eye there at one time...or maybe not...I'm not sure.

This next one lost his eyes altogether. I'll need to replace them, but I'm also going to add some tiny crystals to the mouse constellation, and possibly randomly around the night sky.

This is another one of my favorites. I just like the colors.

I'm considering adding some buttons to the centers of the flowers on the next one. What do you think?

This next one lost a little hot fix nailhead button off the cuff of the pointing hand. I'm going to replace that, but I'm also thinking of putting a crystal where the ring is...like a diamond ring. I don't want to get too carried away with the crystals, however, so I'll have to audition it and see what I think.

So there you go. Another couple of hours of work at least, and this one will be history.

If I'm going to get any more sewing time in today, I'd better get going.

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