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Insane Lists

As promised earlier, here are the lists of Insanities and how they effect the characters.  They've been culled from such authoritative texts as Chivalry & Sorcery, Warhammer FRP and Call of Cthulhu.

All penalties are cumulative.


Minor afflictions that add color
Die Roll (d100) Name Description
01 – 08 Absent Minded The character misplaces one random item per day. They must take 20 in order to find it.
09 – 16 Allergy The character sneezes in the presence of or develops a rash from touching a common substance or animal
17 – 24 Biting Fingernails The character bites their fingernails constantly
24 – 32 Headaches The character suffers from blinding headaches. These headaches are brought on whenever the character needs to make a Will test. Whether or not they succeed or fail the original test, they must make another test at the same DC-2 or develop a headache for 1 hour. During the course of the headache, they are at -4 on all saves, attacks, skill checks and initiative. The good news is that they're so mad they get +2 to hand weapon damage rolls
33 -40 Narcissism The character is so in love with their own image that every time they pass a reflecting surface, they must make a Will save DC16 or spend 1d4+2 rounds primping
41 – 52 Nervous Rash The character develops a rash.
Roll d6:
1-2 on the face or hand lowering Charisma by 2.
3-5 Chest or back, not effect as long as they wear clothing.
 6  Groin – and it itches all the time
63 – 60 Nightmares The character suffers from nightmares. This has no effect on the character, but any spell casters trying to sleep in the same or adjacent rooms must make a Will save DC14 or be unable to recover spells
61 – 68 Shaking The character develops tremoring in the hands. Ranged attacks are at -2 and there is a 5% chance of spell casting failure. Arcane and Divine
69 – 76 Stammer The character stutters like Eric Idle in A Fish Called Wanda. 10% chance of spell caster failure.Arcane and Divine
77 – 84 Talking in Sleep The character talks in their sleep.This has no effect on the character, but any spell casters trying to sleep in the same or adjacent rooms must make a Will save DC12 or be unable to recover spells
85 – 92 Talking to Self The character talks to themselves constantly. Opponents get a +1 on Perception checks
93 – 00 Tourrette's Syndrome The character cannot say six words without cursing. Charisma -2. (-4 with the opposite sex)

Minor Disorders

Behaviors that provide a minor disadvantage to the character.
Die Roll (d100) Name Description
01 – 05 Introversion The character becomes painfully shy and self centered. Charisma is -2
06 – 10 Mild Acrophobia The character is afraid of heights and makes Will saves at -2 when standing less than their height away from a ledge with a drop at least equal to their height
11 – 15 Mild Addiction The character develops a chemical dependence on a substance; usually alchohol, but tobacco, coffee or any smoked or ingested substance is possible. Whenever the character goes with out the substance for 24 hours, they make Will saves at -2
16 – 20 Mild Agoraphobia The character is afraid of open spaces and makes Will saves at -2 whenever out of doors
21 – 25 Mild Ailurophobia The character is afraid of cats and makes Will saves at -2 in their presence
26 – 30 Mild Animosity The character harbors ill will towards a specific group. Roll d6:
 1- Opposite Sex;
2- Same Sex;
3- Specific Race;
4 – Shorter creatures;
5- Specific religion or other group;
6 – Gingers.
Charisma is at -2 when dealing with the object of the animosity
31 – 35 Mild Aracnopohbia The character is afraid of spiders and makes Will saves at -2 in their presence
36 – 40 Mild Astrophobia The character is afraid of thunder and lightning and makes Will saves at -2 during thunderstorms
41 – 45 Mild Claustrophobia The character is afraid of confined spaces (Any dimesion less than twice their height * the number of cratures in the room) and makes Will saves at -2 whenever in such a space
46 – 50 Mild Cynophobia The character is afraid of dogs and makes Will saves at -2 in their presence
51 – 55 Mild Hemophobia The character is afraid of blood and makes Will saves at -2 iwhen they can see it
56 – 60 Mild Heptephobia The character is afraid of being touched and makes Will saves at -2 when within 3 feet of another creature
61 – 65 Mild Hippophobia The character is afraid of horses and makes Will saves at -2 in their presence
66 – 70 Mild Hydrophobia The character is afraid of water and never bathes. Charisma -4 or -2 if they use perfumes
71 – 75 Mild Hypochondria The character is convinced they are becoming ill and spends their level in glod pieces daily on cures and nostrums
76 – 80 Mild Musophobia The character is afraid of mice and makes Will saves at -2 in their presence
81 – 85 Mild Ophidiophobia The character is afraid of snakes and makes Will saves at -2 in their presence
86 – 90 Mild Scotophobia The character is afraid of the dark and makes Will saves at -2 when without a source of light
91 – 95 Mild Toxicophobia The character is afraid of poison and must make a Will save DC 14 to eat any food not prepared by themselves or tasted by another
96 – 00 Mild Xenophobia The character is afraid of strangers and has a -2 Charisma penalty when dealing with people they have not met

Serious Disorders 

Issues that will change how the character acts

Die Roll (d100) Name Description
01 – 04 Depression In the face of the overwhelming futility that is life, the character must make a Will save DC 15 to make any decision. Charisma -4
05 – 08 Heroic Idiocy The character ignores all fear affects and must make a Will save DC the opponents total hit dice to resist immediately attacking
09 – 12 Kleptomania The character comulsively tries to steal trinkets and small objects and must make a Will save DC 20 to resist the impulse
13 – 15 Megalomania The character is full of their own importance in the world and will stop at nothing to increase their power.
16 – 19 Schizophrenia The character develops a separate personality, with individual Intellligence, Wisdom and Charisma stats. Randomly determine the new personality's alignment and career interests. The personalities switch whenever a Will save is failed. Experience must be split evenly between all personalities
20 – 23 Serious Acrophobia The character is afraid of heights and makes Will saves at -6 when standing less than their height away from a ledge with a drop at least equal to their height
24 – 27 Serious Addiction The character develops a chemical dependence on a substance; usually alchohol, but tobacco, coffee or any smoked or ingested substance is possible. Whenever the character goes with out the substance for 24 hours, they make Will saves at -6
28 – 30 Serious Agoraphobia The character is afraid of open spaces and makes Will saves at -6 whenever out of doors
31 – 34 Serious Ailurophobia The character is afraid of cats and makes Will saves at -6 in their presence In any encounter invloving the creature, the character is initially petrified and will always be Surprised.
35 – 38 Serious Animosity The character harbors ill will towards a specific group. Roll d6:
 1- Opposite Sex;
2- Same Sex;
3- Specific Race;
4 – Shorter creatures;
5- Specific religion or other group;
6 – Gingers.
Charisma is at -6 when dealing with the object of the animosity
39 – 42 Serious Aracnopohbia The character is afraid of spiders and makes Will saves at -6 in their presence In any encounter invloving the creature, the character is initially petrified and will always be Surprised.
43 – 45 Serious Astrophobia The character is afraid of thunder and lightning and makes Will saves at -6 during thunderstorms
46 – 49 Serious Claustrophobia The character is afraid of confined spaces (Any dimesion less than twice their height * the number of cratures in the room) and makes Will saves at -6 whenever in such a space
50 – 53 Serious Cynophobia The character is afraid of dogs and makes Will saves at -6 in their presence In any encounter invloving the creature, the character is initially petrified and will always be Surprised.
54 – 57 Serious Hemophobia The character is afraid of blood and makes Will saves at -6 iwhen they can see it
58 – 60 Serious Heptephobia The character is afraid of being touched and makes Will saves at -6 when within 3 feet of another creature
61 – 64 Serious Hippophobia The character is afraid of horses and makes Will saves at -6 in their presence. In any encounter invloving the creature, the character is initially petrified and will always be Surprised.
65 – 68 Serious Hydrophobia The character is afraid of water and never bathes. Charisma -4 or -2 if they use perfumes. The character makes Will saves at -4 when near a large body of water
69 – 72 Serious Hypochondria The character is convinced they are becoming ill and spends twice their level in glod pieces daily on cures and nostrums
73 -75 Serious Introversion The character becomes painfully shy and self centered. Charisma is -6
76 – 79 Serious Kleptomania The character comulsively tries to steal trinkets and small objects and must make a Will save DC 20 to resist the impulse
80 – 83 Serious Musophobia The character is afraid of mice and makes Will saves at -6 in their presence In any encounter invloving the creature, the character is initially petrified and will always be Surprised.
84 – 87 Serious Ophidiophobia The character is afraid of snakes and makes Will saves at -6 in their presence In any encounter invloving the creature, the character is initially petrified and will always be Surprised.
88 – 91 Serious Scotophobia The character is afraid of the dark and makes Will saves at -6 when without a source of light
92 – 95 Serious Toxicophobia The character is afraid of poison and must make a Will save DC 14 to eat any food not prepared by themselves or tasted by another
96 – 00 Serious Xenophobia The character is afraid of strangers and has a -6 Charisma penalty when dealing with people they have not met. In any encounter invloving the creature, the character is initially petrified and will always be Surprised.

 Debilitating Disorders

Issues that prevent normal movement and adventuring

Die Roll (d100) Name Description
01 – 19 Amnesia The character loses all memories
19 – 25 Catatonia The character is immobile and unresponsive, literally frozen in position. They may be carried.
26 – 38 Pantophobia The character is afraid of everything, and jumps and starts continually. They make all Will saves at -8.
39 – 57 Paranoia Not necessarily an issue for many characters, because the DM is out to get them.
58 – 71 Severe Agoraphobia The character is so afraid of open spaces that they refuse to venture outdoors
72 – 85 Severe Claustrophobia The character is so afraid of enclosed spaces that they refuse to venture indoor
86 – 100 Stupefication The character stands drooling and babbling inchoerently. They may be led, but will take no self directed actions

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