In July 1758, the British force arrive on the continent. Over the years, this contingent grew from 8,000 to 18,000 by the Battle of Vellinghausen. Still relatively small numbers by comparison to the German forces.
“At Vellinghausen, the Hanoverians numbered 28,000 troops and Brunswick and Hessian, 16,000 and 7,000 respectively. Light troops totalled 8,500” – from Savory.
As I mentioned in my previous post, the British were grouped by brigades among the German “divisions”. This was in part to give them field experience, but we read from later battles, this system was to remain in effect at Vellinghausen, not because it was needed, but it worked well.
Hannover supplied the largest contingent of troops and as their uniforms were nearly identical I began organizing these. Reviewing my notes, the remaining elements would following the order of battle for Hastenbeck (1757).
I had thought about using the OB for Vellinghausen (1761) but this required the purchase far too many figures than I wanted to paint.
I had thought about using the OB for Vellinghausen (1761) but this required the purchase far too many figures than I wanted to paint.
The order of battle at Hastenbeck therefore was manageable as Hannover fielded 27 bns and 17 cavalry regiments or 44 elements excluding artillery and generals. There are enough elements for the infantry but I lack 8 elements of cavalry, however, these can be taken from excess Prussian and Austrian elements. My artillery park is bursting at the seams so no worries there, however I do lack generals. These will be added to my next order.
As for the uniforms, these were identical in cut and coats were red, with only the regimental distinctions, colour of breech and waistcoat to identify them as from Hanover.
Painting these changes will be the first step and later I will add the sprig of oak leaves used as “”feldzeichen”.
The flags will offer the biggest challenge as each regiment had different emblems as well as field colour.
Hanoverian troops at Hastenbeck
Druchtleben (1 bn), Knesebec (1 bn), Scheither (1 bn), Buckeburg (1 bn), Sachsen-Gotha(1 bn), Stolzenberg (1 bn), Post (1 bn), Jung-Zastrow (1 bn), Diepenbroick (1 bn), Kielmannsegg (1 bn), Oberg (1 bn), Garde (2 bns), Wagenheim (1 bn), Hodenberg (1 bn), Ledebour (1 bn), Fabrice (1 bn), Sporken (1 bn), von Hardenberg (1 bn), Zandre de Caraffa (1 bn), 1st Garrison Battalion (1 bn), Brunck (1 bn), Block (1 bn), Converged Grenadiers (3 bns), and Fuss Jäger (3 cos.)
Busche Dragoons (4 sqns), Breidenbach Dragoons (2 sqns), Grenadier zu Pferde
(1 sqn), Dachenhausen Dragoons (2 sqns), Leibgarde zu Pferde (1 sqn), Hammerstein (2 sqns), Schollen (2 sqns), Reden (2 sqns), Gilten (2 sqns), Jäger zu Pferde (2 cos.), Bock Dragoons (4 sqns), Dachenhausen Dragoons (2 sqns), Breidenbach Dragoons
(2 sqns) Hussars (1 sqn), and Leib-Regiment (2 sqns)
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