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Surrendered Victory - #2 Best Seller in June '08

July 2, 2008

What a month it's been! Having Surrendered Victory be released was pretty cool. I think it's a neat little story, but hey, I wrote it so I'm supposed to feel that way. Yesterday, it got even better.

Yesterday I ran through my emails and found one from our fearless leader at Amber Allure, Trace, with the June 2008 Best Seller listing. Surrendered Victory was #2.

TWO!! TWO!!! TWO!! I'd have tried a cartwheel but I know better.

Number Two on the best seller list with my first male/male romance. Yes, I'm stoked.

Maybe I should play it coy, duck my head and say something inane like how it doesn't really matter, but I won't. Nope. Not me. I'm not into faking it.

I'm stoked, boys and girls. I lift my glass of Bailey's over ice in celebration! I may never make it here again so I'll rejoice while I can.

Surrendered Victory is #2 on the June 2008 best seller list at Amber Allure!

KC Kendricks

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