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And now for something completely different...

Nothing to do with wargaming (well, maybe when they release some Rebel Alliance troops) but just something "ooh shiny" I wanted to show to you...

A Bandai 1/12 scale Imperial Stormtrooper model... Pom pom pom popopom :-)

Lots of parts, poseable joints and several weapon options, what's not to like?

Banday have started releasing a range of new Star Wars kits both in 1/12 with (currently) this Stormtroopers and Darth Vader (going on the must buy list) and 1/72 kits of fighters like the X-Wing and TIE with bases modelled as the Death Star surface.
I haven't seen them in stores in Belgium yet so I got this one through ebay, whole the way from Japan itself. Even with shipping that was the cheapest option, none of the European sellers could beat this for just the kit! Let alone shipping. So if you are looking to get one yourself, search for Tokyo-Hobby on ebay...
Happy painting and gaming!!!

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