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Quick hide the liquor, Grandad's awake!

Some one please hold Traveler while I mount and draw my saber. Thank you. Today I ride out to smite the ..... crap where do you start? How about the trench coat wearing, body pierced kid who walks to school singing helter-skelter? Naw he's ok, he told his mom this morning that 9 outa 10 voices say "don't shoot". How did he get like that, no parental controls? Good lets get his Marlboro smoking, dirty sweat pant wearing mom. Well she can't help him she has to work two minimum wage jobs .Wait I've got it, get the economists ! No that won't help, they reproduce too fast. Who do I focus my frustration on? Well bunkie I'm gonna tell you......nobody.
Despite what the TV pundits tell you, there ain't a whole lot you can do to change much of anything. What you can do is live your life in the way you feel is right. Put on the Bean boots , flannel lined Orvis khakis , blue button down and walk proudly where ever you go. Try to remember the man and woman with matching mullets probably think you look a bit odd. " Hey dude Mr Howell called he wants his look back" They're wrong and I'm right, but short of electrical shock treatment ( hey I made a funny electrical-short-shock) you'll never convince them. So channel your energy into living a well mannered life with class and style.
Maybe I'll just ride down and smack that kid across the keester with the flat of my saber. Ok Ok I'm getting down. Oh man! Bad horsie! On the new carpet!

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